Jenny and her first threesome with 2 trans girls

It was a typical Friday night and 18-year-old Jenny was out clubbing with her friends Gemma and Candy. They were all dressed up in their most fashionable outfits, ready to hit the dance floor and let loose. As they made their way through the crowded club, Jenny couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous. She had recently come to terms with her sexuality and had only just come out as a lesbian to her friends. But tonight, she was determined to have some fun and embrace her true self.

As they made their way to the bar, Jenny’s eyes caught sight of two stunning girls across the room. They were both tall, with long legs and curves in all the right places. But what caught Jenny’s attention the most was their confidence. They walked with their heads held high and oozed sex appeal. Jenny couldn’t help but feel a little intimidated, but also incredibly intrigued.

Gemma and Candy noticed Jenny’s gaze and followed it to the two girls. ‘They’re trans,’ Gemma whispered to Jenny, who had never really had much exposure to the LGBTQ+ community. She was fascinated and couldn’t take her eyes off of them.

As the night went on, Jenny found herself getting more and more drunk. She was having a great time dancing with her friends, but she couldn’t shake off the thoughts of the two trans girls. She couldn’t deny the attraction she felt towards them.

Feeling brave, Jenny excused herself and made her way to the toilets. As she stumbled through the crowded club, she couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed. But she was determined to talk to those two girls. She needed to know more about them.

As she entered the dimly lit bathroom, she saw the two girls standing by the sinks. They turned to look at her and Jenny’s heart skipped a beat. They were even more beautiful up close. The two girls smiled at her and introduced themselves as Kelly and Mia. They could sense Jenny’s nervousness and tried to put her at ease.

Jenny thought they were both women and was surprised when they told her that they were trans. But she didn’t care. She was attracted to them and wanted to get to know them more.

The three of them chatted for a while, with Jenny opening up about her recent coming out. Kelly and Mia were incredibly supportive and understanding, and Jenny felt like she could talk to them about anything. As the conversation got more flirtatious, Jenny couldn’t resist the temptation any longer. She wanted to experience what it was like to be with a trans girl.

Before she knew it, she was in one of the stalls with Kelly and Mia, their hands exploring every inch of her body. Jenny couldn’t believe how good it felt. She had never felt this desire before. Kelly’s big breasts and Mia’s huge cock were a combination that drove Jenny wild. She couldn’t get enough of them.

As Kelly stuck her cock in Jenny’s mouth, Mia entered her from behind, thrusting hard and fast. Jenny had never felt so much pleasure in her life. She moaned and cried out, completely lost in the moment. Kelly and Mia took turns pleasuring her, and soon enough, all three of them reached their climax.

Jenny left the bathroom that night feeling like a completely different person. She had just experienced something she never thought she would, and it was with two amazing trans girls. As she walked back to the dance floor, she couldn’t stop smiling. She had finally embraced her true self and had the most incredible night of her life. From that moment on, Jenny knew that she was proud to be a lesbian and would never be afraid to explore her sexuality.